Quick in a sentence
Quick in a sentence

quick in a sentence

Some Markdown editors (such as MarkdownPad 2.0) have a basic spell checker, but it's a good practice to paste the rendered HTML content from the article into Word, which has a more robust spell and grammar checker. Make sure the article contains no grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors: This is something we should do in general.So, keep the following guidelines in mind when you're writing: People might also use machine translation on the web to read the technical articles.

quick in a sentence

Our technical articles are translated into several languages, and some are modified for particular markets or geographies. Make sure the article focuses on what matters to customers don't just give a technical lecture.Ĭonsider localization and machine translation Honestly call out areas that will be frustrating to customers. Show empathy: Use a supportive tone in the article, and keep disclaimers to a minimum.(Procedures with more than 12 steps are probably too long.) Use a screenshot when it adds clarity.

quick in a sentence

Use sections to chunk long procedures into more manageable groups of steps. Make your article easy to scan: Put the most important things first.Also, keep the number of notes to a minimum. If a task has a qualifier, put it at the beginning of the sentence or paragraph. Be affirmative and don't use extra words or lots of qualifiers. Provide examples that explain new concepts. Use everyday words: Try to use natural language, the words your customers use.

quick in a sentence

Then, write your article to help that specific customer do that specific task. Before you begin writing, clearly determine who the customer is and what task he or she is trying to do.

  • Focus on the intent: Customers have a specific purpose in mind when they consult our documentation.
  • We might not always get there, but we need to keep trying! We aspire to follow these principles when we write technical content for. Easy-to-read sentences mean the reader can quickly use the guidance you share.
  • Use a casual and friendly voice-like you're talking to another person one-on-one.
  • Check the spelling and grammar in your articles, even if you have to copy and paste into Microsoft Word to check.
  • These guidelines apply whether you are creating new documentation or updating existing documentation. This quick start is a brief guide to writing technical content for publication on.

    Quick in a sentence